- Скрипучее дерево стоит, а здоровое летит
- People complaining of bad health often outlive those who look strong. See Битая посуда два века живет (Б)
Var.: Скрипучая берёза дольше стоит. Скрипучее дерево два века живётCf:A creaking cart goes long on its wheels (Br.). A creaking door hangs long on its hinges (Am., Br.). A creaking gate hangs a long time (hangs long) (Br.). A creaking gate lasts long (swings a long time) (Am.). Creaking wagons are long in passing (Br.). The ill stake stands long (longest) (Br.). An ill stake stands the longest (Am.). The loose stake stands longest (Br.). Near dead never filled the kirkyard (Am.). The sickest is not the nearest the grave (Am.). A squeaking gate hangs the longest (Am.). A squeaking hinge lasts the longest (Am.)
Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. Академик.ру. 2013.